09 May 2012


Trust. Real, unfailing, surrendered trust. This is not easy and yet it is huge in the walk of following Jesus. I have been learning and experiencing a lot of this lately. Trying to trust God in the areas of my life. It started out in one particular area then it has begun to grow, because if I can trust God in this area, why not another and another area?! As I read my Bible or listen to people talk it has come up a lot and I am so thankful for it and I believe God is using so many avenues to teach me. Here are some verses I keep going back to.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. 
Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. 
It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.
Proverbs 3.5-8 

How many times have we heard these verses? Many people probably have the first two memorized. Look at theses words "do not lean on your own understanding". WOW. I don't know about you but I definitely lean on my own understanding. If I can figure it out in my head and come up with a plan, my heart can have peace. And I will think & think & think until I have that plan. Now plans are not bad, but they should not be the source of my peace, and what if things do not go according to my plan...breakdown. lol. I also like "do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD", it carries the same idea. 

But let me tell you this is not easy at all. Even when I think I'm almost really trusting God, it can turn into "I trust you God to fulfill my plan, by faith." Haha, still not trusting totally. It needs to be "I trust you God to fulfill whatever YOUR plan is". And the result of that is joy and peace in a real way and I am thankful for the small tastes of that I have had. It's not about me being in control and we all like that power, but letting God be in control. Let me encourage you to take this journey of trust with me. Try taking a look into your life and heart; what areas do you hold the control and refuse to let go and trust? I would say it touches every single area of my life. I'm starting to see it and I want God to touch each area; to be able to trust Him from small things like my son sleeping well to big things like trusting Him with our lives. He is our perfect and loving Father who open His arms and will walk with us through this life!

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About Me

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I am a follower of Jesus and I am committed to living life for Him. I am the wife of a wonderful man who loves me so much and the mother to the best two little boys! I love my family to pieces and miss them everyday! I love my friends (obviously) lol. They all are such a joy to me! I am a youth pastors wife and I enjoy being involved in the lives of teens and just people in general. I love photography and find so much joy in the moments I want to remember being saved in time. Last but not least I love sunshine and being warm. :) That's me in a nutshell, the important things anyways. :)
